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LockDown Film Fest 2020 Winners

LockDown Film Fest 2020 - The Winners!

So after going through 1700 entries over the last couple of months, BritFlicks is delighted to announce the Winners of the LockDown Film Fest. 

BritFlicks has never run a film festival before so this has been a massive learning curve for us, and if we thought whittling down the initial 1700 entries to 33 Finalist was difficult, choosing one winner was off the scale. 

We have certainly been blessed with the quality of entries, and it only goes to show you don't need a massive budget, cast and crew to make a great film, even in lockdown!

Thank you to all the entrants for sending in your films, it's been amazing!

LockDown Film Fest 2020 - Best Film

The Winner of the Best LockDown Film goes to Gerald Walsh's visually and emotionally stunning short film, TOGETHER APART. 


Director: Gerard Walsh

Genre: Drama

Cast: Hazel Alicia Alford

Outline: A woman and her thoughts in Isolation, during the Pandemic.

LockDown Film Fest 2020 - Runners Up

It was such a tough call choosing the best LockDown film, here's the three Runners-Up.


Directed: Ilya Tribelsky & Nikolay Kouleshov

Genre: Comedy

Cast: Liat Zidkiyaho & Osher Bet Halachmi

Outline: Romantic evening of a married couple in a lockdown is ruined by unexpected news.


Director: Britt Abrecht

Genre: Drama

Cast: Hannah Jasna Hess, Marc Dennis Bernthaler & Marco Bonomo.

Outline: Agnes complains to Bob about her difficult financial situation and sees a bank robbery as the only way out. Bob tries to give her good advice.

DAYZE (Canada)

Director: Ian Rayburn

Genre: Drama, Thriller, sci-Fi

Outline: A lone woman experiences the effects of a quarantine.

LockDown Film Fest 2020 - Audience Award

The Winner of the LockDown Film Fest Audience Award goes to Dominique Stango & Quinton Cameron's, hilarious and brilliantly scripted comedy RONA FEVER.


Director: Dominique Stango

Genre: Comedy

Cast: Dominique Stango & Quinton Cameron

Outline: A pizza delivery guy gets more than he bargained for when the customer wants
extra toppings.

LockDowm Film fest Official Selections:

You can still watch all the 33 LockDown Official Selection by visiting the BritFlicks YouTube Channel or LockDown Film Fest page on BritFlicks.


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